Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have always been fascinated by maps. In fact I love reading maps. I remember during my Girl Scout years when we had our Orienteering, that's one mistake that taught me to learn reading maps very carefully. I was the first one to start yet the last one to arrive simply because I did not read carefully the directions given to me! So that's one lesson I will never forget and so I vowed to never get lost again by simply not learning to read maps. 

So I got fascinated by this on particular book because the artist is so good in making a visual representation of one of my favorite cities.


What I did, I put on some of my photos I took from my phone when I was on those particular places.


This place in Tokyo became even more famous of Gwen Stephanie's "Harajuku Girls"

What I like here is the Terrace. One nice place to have a cup of coffee.



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