"Wisdom begins with wonder"~Socrates
Yesterday, when we were at the beach in Batangas, my eldest Galahad, went to me very excited showing me a shell he found at the beach. He was telling me it was the best one he found that day. I got fascinated by the way he was holding it with such joy and amazement of finding such treasure. I have seen several shells before and looking at, I know it's just an ordinary shell. However, I stopped myself from giving such response for I saw the look in his eyes full of wonder and amazement. Hearing my comment would definitely kill such pure joy I saw in his eyes. Instead, I asked him where he found it and just like any kid who discovered something new, he told me all the details with excitement which reminded me of what childhood really is; full of wonder and amazement.
Then just this morning my youngest, Paris, kept on running a video from my mom's phone. My mom said it was a video he took with his cousins in the province. My mom said that he never got tired of watching it. He was so happy showing it to us. I couldn't help but smile watching him laugh so hard watching the one minute video over and over again. For us, adults its not even an extraordinary video yet for him it's like the only treasure he has in the world right now.
As an adult, I realized that we stopped having that child-like wonder and amazement when we look at things. When I looked back and remember the faces of Galahad and Paris as they watched in amazement their new found treasures, I somehow missed my childhood. However, I realized that it doesnt necessarily mean that just because we became adults we can no longer have that childlike "awe" in us.
Looking at my two lovely boys, I learned something from them. They opened up to me on seeing the possibilities inherent in small things. I realized, I for one, have that small thing that also keeps me in a state of wonder even now as an adult.
I am always fascinated by pens, different kinds of it especially colorful ones. A lot of people might find it weird however, until now it creates wonder in me. I remember when I was still a child, my mom would buy me one before classes begins. Growing up we never really had enough. Somehow, the beautiful lovely pens gave me a world beyond what surrounds us that time. I remember myself looking at it very carefully, holding it like its the only important thing I the world even if it could be the cheapest one my mom bought for me that time. I remember how I kept it very carefully in my pencil case and in fact let it stay there for months and seldom use it at all. There was even an instance which I could remember when my mom was cleaning our house from flood that went inside our house after a storm. I put my pen on the topmost corner of our cabinet to protect it from the flood. It was something that allowed me to forget what happened even on that day, that the storm really didn't matter at all. It was like just looking at it that time, was pure joy of having something so precious.
Little did I know that I have brought it with me as an adult. Its something I couldn't stop myself from not buying. Sometimes, I just bring my pens with me even if I won't be using it all. Seeing it inside my bag puts a smile in my face. It's like the different colors brightens my day.

People might find this weird you know. However, remembering my two kids and the happiness those small treasures gave them reminds me that we must not kill the childlike wonder inherent in all of us and not allow impending adulthood to hinder us from being constantly reminded that there is joy even in small things. In fact, being in a state of wonder or this "beginners mind" according to Shunryu Suzuki, allows us to learn faster. Come to think of it, being in a state of awe and wonder, gives us joy. Working towards something with joy, will most likely get us to what we want to accomplish.
What about you? What creates wonder in you? What is that thing that brings you joy that you always bring with you?
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